Thursday, June 7, 2012

#Occupy Nalon (Asturias) in support of Spanish Miners

Maybe you´ve seen on the wallstreet journal some photos from the struggles... in our region... As a First REAL aproach to the situation of Asturias a region in the NORTH OF SPAIN..... this can help.. Nalon campment comunicate

Normally, is associated to the habitants of the coal mining area a plus of comabativity face to the rest of Asturianos... this false ilussion that if the coal mining area moves.. the rest of Asturias too we think that it´s time for this generation of young People of the coal mining area to make selfcriticism to the fable that they told us when we were younger the one about the glorious syndicate movement that can do anything... at the same time that in the movement we face Global problems there are another ones at any location.

The REALITY almost in the Nalon Valley is far away to ressemble the Eden Garden that the workers organizations try to sell us on the 90´s:

The miner´s found are touching the bottom..
The retraining... we don´t have it an we are not gonna see it
At least TODAY working for HUNOSA ( one of the biggest miner´s company ) is the best option for many young people of the coal mining area.

A wonderfull landscape of INDUSTRIAL ARCHEOLOGY and CONTAMINATED GROUND with MUSEUMS Where no one goes...

But it´s ok!! we are at least the ones who drink more Cider and that´s what we export from the Cuenca ( as we call here the coal mining areas)

quote-explanation of this last sentence: ( this was A joke cause in Asturias the cider and the apples.. are a main part of OUR CULTURE ).

The disaster is served the Companys created to generate the employments that we lost with the closure of Hunosa are closing before the coal mines themselves....

The syndicates are far away of their historical assambleary horizontal origins... away from their grass-roots... and their internal democracy they look to the other side with the shocking fraud commited with PUBLIC MONEY

They are part of the problem because they are not part of the solution..

It´s time to point them as NECESSARY COLLABORATORS.. in the SOCIAL RUIN of the Coal mining area.

For demobilize the workers and for tolerate hipersubventionate employment politics CORRODED by their OWN... STRING PULLING...

Politics that only benficiate AN USURER MANAGEMENT CLASS that close their stalls or kiosk when they LOSE PUBLIC HELPS.

For that the 15 of MAY we took the street to shout to the fourth winds...




... (A Madreña is a typical Asturian shoe made with wood..)

Gijon 19th of June of 2011

With that on mind you have to know that we are one the the poorest regions of Spain... and that the European Miners Founds are vital for many things in our region.... so the struggle to defend them is neccesary... but with the corruption of the sindicates in mind all the time..

This days they are cutting Highways... for those who don´t know asturias.. we have just one main highway that connect us to the rest of spain... so if they cut in campomanes we are isolated... the other way is a mountain pass road..

The miners are changing tactics.. the first days they use the cut of the highways... and with the first riots.. the response of the other days was to go to the forest near by and make a “little resistance” they also use another tactic... “little cuts” in many roads.... some of them are "squatting" the col mines... without going out...

And one of the main villages Mieres was a kind of “police state” with many identifications by secret police... all the day..

The fact is being without the european miner founds.. is a kind of suicide for a region of about 1 millon habitants most of them old people and whose well prepared... young people have to go outside to work... for the Absurd politics of our regional goverment.... the result for them is that we where in a kind.. of without "formal goverment" since last year and this 2012 the 45% of the people didn´t Vote.....

For our collective here.. the peacefull way to fight against the system is clear that is the path to follow... but we know that “ their defense of their right to work and that vital money is necessary too)

On the posts below you can see some videos of the struggles.. Asturias past and recent history is HARDCORE in therms of defending OUR WORKS...
Battle between miners and Guardia Civil in the Forest near by the road 2 miners detained #ResistenciaMinera

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Yo tambien soy lider del 15M, yo tampoco soy lider del 15M. Por favor no manipulen a la opinión pública. Nos vemos en las plazas! "

enviar el email

a 9 dias del 12M, el periódico gratuito 20 minutos publica su portada bajo el titular:

"Una unidad de élite de la Policía investiga a los líderes del 15-M"

En la noticia interior se explica que "¿cómo llegar a los líderes de un grupo tan heterogéneo y anónimo?" "De momento, se están investigando las convocatorias de acampada y los internautas más activos que las apoyan y las difunden."

En la mayoría de las tiradas locales de este periódico este titular se acompaña de una imagen de un joven herido en egipto con el siguiente pie de foto "primavera sangrienta en egipto tras la primavera árabe".

Entendemos que se trata de un claro acto de manipulación periodística con 2 objetivos: 
1) infundir el miedo a las personas que quieran simpatizar,respaldar y difundir las movilizaciones ciudadanas coordinadas desde las asambleas.
2) sembrar las dudas sobre la credibilidad del movimiento, dando pábulo a la tesis oscurantista de que en este movimiento existan líderes "ocultos", en contra de lo que proclamamos (y demostramos) en las plazas.

Por ello, os invitamos a desmentir dicha hipótesis escribiendo masivamente a la sección de cartas al director, con un mensaje breve y claro, del tipo:

"Yo tambien soy lider del 15M, yo tampoco soy lider del 15M. Por favor no manipulen a la opinión pública. Nos vemos en las plazas! "
Y así lo demostraremos el próximo dia 12 de Mayo y sucesivos ;D

Sunday, April 22, 2012

[Occupy/Indignados] [May'12] #12M15M Newsletter - issue No 5

(subscriptions: )
You are receiving this Newsletter because you are in some way related to Occupy/Occupii, or Real Democracy Now/DRY or Inidgnados/Indigné
If you would not like to get the next issue, please unsubscribe by sending us an email to : dinamization12m15m (at) gmail . com with the phrase "unsubscribe NL" as the subject

1– International: (GET INVOLVED) is the place where you can actively participate of the Mar12 planning. There is a thread started recently, dedicated to propose and favourite #slogans for the demontrations that will take place around the world:

2 – Spain/International: a team of volunteers from the audiovisuals commission are editing two documentaries that would be released in Sol square on May 15th

3 – Spain/International: AgoraSol Radio is looking for contacts for their programme "Embracing Cultures", if you know someone overseas who will participate in the demonstrations on May 12 and 15, and they would agree to participate speaking live to the radio in Spanish, please write an email (in Spanish) to:

4 - USA: Occupy General Strike
For the first time, workers, students, immigrants, and the unemployed from over 115 U.S. cities will stand together for economic justice.
May Day Directory: main facebook event: they request help: they need Leaflets (one Page), Posters and Banners (trike promotion material) in different Languages for the First of May. Especially in French, Hindi, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, etc. please email: More info: and

5 - USA: Charlotte, NC
Converge for Justice: Occupy Wall Street, South
Break Up BOA's Business as Usual! On May 6-9 people from across the country and world will be converging in Charlotte, NC, home of Bank of America's Headquarters and their annual Shareholder meeting, to demand an end to their practices that are bankrupting our economy and wrecking our climate.

6 – USA: Los angeles, California
May 1st Convergence Celebration On May 1st, the people of Los Angeles will come from four winds of the city to arrive upon Main Street. No more Wall Street, Come to Main Street. There's a revolution in town - Main St and 6th St.
MAYDAY-MOBILES! On May 1st 2012, Occupy LA - in conjunction with numerous other groups across Los Angeles and YOU! - are going to converge on the city with a four-wind caravan of cars, bikes, vans, skateboards, rollerblades....

7 – Italy: 1st National meeting last sunday 22th April
This is an attempt to reorganize the movement nationally, particularly in view of the upcoming event next 12May. The meeting took place using mumble voice/chat conference. The event:

8- Spain: Madrid Work Groups meeting last sunday 22th April
A day proposed to gather work groups, committees and groups in the Retiro Park in order to share plans for local and global action. Below the link to the minutes of the last assembly by “MadridMayo 2012”. and:

9 – Hungary – met this sunday 22th April in the II Council of People - Community Forum 2012.
The goal of this meeting was the formulation of specific claims and the negotiation of action plans. The planned demonstration in Budapest and the specific issues underlying the claims in assemblies, by a series of forums to discuss and would like to develop a way open to all interested. M.12.
Here you have REAL DEMOCRACY NOW HUNGARY's blog inspired in the Spanish "indignados" and American "Occupy" movement

10-Croacia is ready for the action, their calling:
We invite you to the next mass action on May-12-2012 (12.M). We call on all social movements to take precautions, but not the only platform that calls for action, or as the owner of the protest, or as a centralized organizer. Our mission is to publish this date as a day of global uprising, organization of actions may be from our group, and to support the protests of other activist groups that share our goals, because we are just one of many”.

11- Slovakia
Two more videos that supporters of the movement have created to promote 12M:

12- Bulgary - Sofía 12May – a day of International action!
Their pitch: “For more than a year, governments on all continents have been shaken by major civil unrest.
A lot of people around the world are fed up with their government leaders, either liberal or totalitarian states. On each he had enough of the crises of injustice and inequality”

13- France – The Peoples Marches from all over the country just arrived to the Capital on April 21st: this event marks the beginning of events scheduled during May.

If you enjoyed this newsletter please share it information among your contacts, subscriptions here: or email:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Convocatoria Internacional en Mumble: Mayo Global: Un nuevo comienzo?

Este sábado 14 y domingo 15, a las 20:00 horas (CET hora peninsular) vamos a celebrar 2 debates a través del servidor de Mumble "" para impulsar una tarea compartida: "Mayo Global: Un nuevo comienzo?"
Los temas específicos de debate serán establecidos por los participantes, quienes tendrán plena libertad y responsabilidad de elegir y debatir los temas que verdadera y apasionadamente nos interesan.
Faltando solo un mes para la primavera global de 2012, tenemos dos oportunidades para reunirnos con gente de diferentes recorridos de vida y lugares del mundo, y pensar juntos la historia que se escribiremos colectivamente en mayo de 2012. Trascendiendo las diferencias de idiomas, nuestros puntos de vista políticos y filosóficos y nuestra relación con esta ola de cambio, tendremos un espacio abierto donde dialogar, para construir juntos los cimientos de esos mundos posibles que anhelamos.
¿Cómo me conecto a Mumble?
Puerto: 64738

Por favor extender la invitación, os esperamos!!

International Call on Mumble: Global May: A new beginning?

This Saturday 14th, at 18:00pm GMT (2pm EST)  via the Mumble server " "  we will be holding a global debate to push forward a shared task"Global May: A new beginning?"
The specific topics of debate will be set up by the participants, who will have full freedom and responsibility to share and discuss the topics we feel truly and passionately interested about.
One month before the global Spring 2012, we'll be having a chance in here to gather, people from all walks of life and corners of the world, and think together on what will be the history we will be writing collectively on May 2012. Trascending the differences in our languages, political and philosophical views and our relationship with the wave of change so far, we will be having an open space where to dialogue to build together the foundings of those other possible worlds we're craving for 

How do I connect to Mumble?
Channel: "OPEN SPACE"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

¿Sabes quién es Trayvon Martin?

Si lo sabes también es que sabes que el título de esta entrada debería rezar: "¿Sabes quién ERA Trayvon Martin?" 

El pasado 26 de febrero por la noche, George Zimmerman, un vecino de raza "blanca", disparó contra Martin mientras éste andaba por una comunidad de vecinos, con la capucha de la sudadera puesta, de regreso a la vivienda donde estaba pasando el fin de semana con su padre.

Zimmerman, no es blanco, yo le veo rasgos de latino: y también sé que su madre es Peruana.
Pero más clarito de tez que Tray  si que lo es:
Entiendo que Zimmerman tenía entrenamiento (, osea que no es una ciudadano cualquiera que se asustó por la presencia de un "negro".

Zimmerman estaba haciendo la ronda, era un voluntario (el único) que la comunidad colocó para garantizar la seguridad de los vecinos.
Se puede decir que George estaba cumpliendo con su trabajo......

Y ahí salta la cuestión acerca de la gente que toma estas responsdabilidades.....¿Qué tipo de personas son? ¿Cuál el perfil de seguratas y oficiales de policia? ¿Qué cualidades sicologicas tienen? ¿Cómo reaccionan ante el miedo, igual que nosostras o mejor? ¿Trabajan por el dinero o por vocación?
Claro que en USA el tema es más chungo porque allí todo el mundo tiene derecho a cargar un arma (el viejo y lejano Oeste no es historia, es presente)

Nada de lo que hagamos o digamos devolverá la vida al niño de Sybrina y Tracey, pero es nuestra responsib ilidad reflexionar y contribuir a que este tipo de cosasd no suceda nunca más!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A SPECIAL letter to the Artist Leonard Cohen

It’s not about politics, it is about SELF-EMPOWERMENT

Dear Leonard,

I am writing you on behalf of a group of Spanish citizens who take part of a PACIFIC revolution, that is currently taking place all over the world as a result of this scam called “global crisis”.
Ever since you are visiting our country to receive the Prince of Asturias Prize: (CONGRATS by the way!!) we thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves.
This is what we have achieved so far: including – of course MANY cities in Canada:
We just need every one to know that this social movement is not comprised by “antisystem-rebels” but for regular citizens who feel the need to take self-responsibility and create a new society based on solidarity and lost human values.
Actually, perhaps you already now, you’ll be sharing the stage with “one of us” Mr. Nacho Vegas:
Moreover, many of us will be enjoying your music within de audience tomorrow, people like: 

We wish you a nice stay in Asturias.
All the best,
Dr. Ternura Rojas