Saturday, March 31, 2012

12M15M Global Calling/Manifiesto - Draft of the long version

As children we were taught that if we worked hard, we would make a lot of money, but if didn’t work, we would be poor. On television we saw heroes who saved the world. As we grew up, we studied because they said that this is good for us.  At school, they teach you what you supposedly need to learn, but never tell you why. Curiosity is eradicated. You are not allowed to challenge the establishment, in short you don’t get taught what's really important. Students are graded and take exams to see who is bestto measure our skills.

We are graded to take the spot that has already been assigned to us in society: a job. A job that gives you barely enough to survive, and often one that you have not even chosen, but that has been given to you You should accept it without questioning. In fact, you are lucky to have a job at all.

We find ourselves in a world in which success is opposed to essential values of humanitysuch as solidarity and mutual support. Moreover, anything that does not promote competitiveness, selfishness and greed is seen as dysfunctional and against the markets. Immoral ideology is reinforced by the monopoly of the mainstream media, the instruments that create the necessary consensus around this unfair and unsupportive system.

Now that we know that we would have to give up our values in order to get to the top, what happens if we do not want to? Now that there is Internet, which is beyond the control of many, what if we start learning? Now there's a crowd that begins to think. You have created a youth that makes the effort to achieve their dreams, you have  sketched for us a world that you knew was not real and now we want to create it. And the worst thing for you is that we are prepared for it. On the streets engineers, doctors, architects, philosophers, etc are protesting. They meet, talk and discuss alternatives.

This is why we, men and women, inhabitants of this planet, we have decided freely and fraternally to make our voices heard this May 12th, all over the world, to denounce the current condition of our planet, and demand the application of different policies, designed to encourage and promote the common good.

We condemn the current distribution of economic resources is such a way that only a very meager minority escape from poverty or insecurity. Future generations are condemned to receive a poisoned legacy due to environmental hazards caused for their benefit of too few. Democratic political systems, where there any, are empty of meaning almost entirely, have been put to the service of those who are only interested in increasing the benefit to their corporations or financial institutions, regardless of the future of the planet or its inhabitants.

We also condemn that the current crisis is not a natural accident. It was caused by the greed of those who have brought the world to this situation. With the help of an economic science that has lost its original sense of management for the common good, to become an ideology in the service of financial power, seeking to impose measures that stifle billions of people even more, without asking them, just stating that there is no other solution. How come we must leave our future in the hands of the same experts who are destroying it?.

But also, here and now, we're back. We are awake now, but not just to complain. Now we aim at the real causes of the crisis, their policies and their lies disguised as empty rhetoric. And we propose alternatives to their policies, offering relief to the current situation and move towards a more democratic world, where the values of liberty, equality, and fraternity prevail, the old dream of our ancestors who rose against oppression through the entire planet. A world where every man or woman is guaranteed the right to free pursuit of happiness, personal and in community.

For all this, for everything this spring represents, we will meet on May 12. Because we do not want to quit being persons, we are not numbers, we are free men and women.


Friday, March 30, 2012

Invitation to the Agora in Athens : LET’S BUILD TOGETHER!

The world is changing faster and faster, and we are right on time to decide how we want that change to be. In recent years, thousands of people stepped forward, from words to action, launching numerous projects with the aim of creating the foundations of a fairer society: ecovillages, popular schools,
alternative media, “artivists“, hacktivists and “heartivists“, time banks, etc. Now is the time to share all these experiences and start building up something even bigger together.

A good opportunity to do this is the Agora that will take place in Athens from 5th to 15th May. It will be a nonpartisan space, based on the principles of inclusion, horizontality, non-violence and respect, where several meetings will be held, discussions and actions between different local, national and international projects willing to establish bonds between them and provide mutual support. During these ten days, we may share different ideas about the world today, and what we want for tomorrow, we will diagnose problems and propose solutions to local, national and international issues.

This event will coincide with the arrival of the peoples march: comrades from different nationalities, who left Nice last November 5th, 2011. Along the way, they held horizontal peoples assemblies in dozens of towns and cities, where everyone has been regarded as an equal at the time to speak and make decisions.

For all this, we invite you to participate in the Agora. We want to meet you and that you meet others. We want to be the excuse for the beginning of new projects. We want you to come. And if that is not possible, please do send us more information about who you are, what are your goals, how you work, which are the needs that will allow you to work better, etc. With all this information, we could create a small dossier of projects that may be useful for the near future, for tomorrow, for today ...

We wait for your answer and your comments ... 
We are waiting for you!

Facebook: Ágora Athens
Twitter: @AgoraAthens

Thursday, March 29, 2012

12M15M GA International Meeting for May12 Updates

The International Network of comrades that work towards WorldWide actions in MAY2012 invites you to.....
the next 12M15M GA International Meeting for May12 Updates

Date: March 31st (Sat)
Time: 18:00 GMT (convert to your local time here: )

Place: Mumble chat voice app
Room/channel is ROUND TABLE

Please add points to the agenda here (we all build the agenda): 
and also volunteer for taking minutes, turns, facilitate, etc 
(better then if you attend one hour in advance)

Latest updates about what is being planned around the world:

A calendar of forthcoming meetings:

Any questions, comments? please emal:

See you all there!!

May 2012 Global (Unified) Action Plans

Throughout this period of civil disobedience, from Iceland to the latest uprisings in Russia and Hungary, if anything has become clear it is that not only have political systems reached advanced levels of disintegration, so have their methods of representation (they do not represent us!), as well as their subservience (servility) to the demands of current crony capitalism (rescue the people, not the banks!).
In 2011 we took to the streets, we regained our voice in public spaces, got together, opened up dialogues and shared our dreams. We came together to make it clear that we are not commodities at the behest of politicians and bankers who instate austerity policies making our lives precarious. Instead, we declare, as our fellow Greeks have already declared, that "We owe nothing, we will not pay and will not sell ourselves!"
However, what is far more important is that we also share a desire in re-appropriating our lives and the common good by means of direct participation, joint management, and ultimately the desire for a true democracy in the service of everyone.
After international forums as well as online and face to face discussions, the most popular plans are that May 12th should be made as the next Global Day of Action, and May 15th, as a (new) Transnational Day of Mobilization.
Saturday 12M has been proposed as the day in which we will once again take to the streets, to the squares, or wherever we can in order to carry out specific actions that will empower mass demonstrations.
On the other hand, 15M is intended as a global day to intervene on capital flows and mobility, while simultaneously coordinating actions are launched in order to bring awareness to the world to move in a new direction. It is about building a new imaginary in order to define new human, economic and social relationships and will provide us with that transformation of power relations between governments, capitalist rule and societies.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


  * For your safety, organize teams to ensure nonviolent behavior and minimize potential harm to people during the demonstrations on 12M (FOR THIS WE HAVE DISTRIBUTED THIS HANDBOOK WITH ANSWERS AND NON-VIOLENT ACTIONS AND TACTICS TO AVOID ATTACKS)

· * Paint the symbol of nonviolence in your hands and show them as we sing “LOOK AT these// THEY’RE our weapons''


       We always act in solidarity and nonviolence.

       No reaction to police provocation, absolutely, please DON’T throw away any object.

       In any violent situation everybody seats, lift our arms in surrender attitude. Never run away. Join to your neighbors arms with arms, make a circle, place the elderly, women and our cameras at the center. If there was an undercover cop or a violent person (they don’t represent us), as we seat the film will be able to spot clearly the violent entity. That is the best proof, police should go after them and should not attack us.

      HOW TO ACT IN CASE OF "POLICE RIOT": We stand united in rows holding arms intertwined with one another, the group should never split (the police will be looking to break the groups). Never hit a policeman (if not the TV will say that we have wounded a policeman and they’ll have an excuse to charge more brutally next time). Always raise our arms as you “surrender”.

We simply avoid the beating from the police with arms raised together, swinging from right or left or stopping the policeman's baton with your arms as a sign of blockage, use your wrists to stop the baton.

       If the police attacks, we all seat on the floor, lift your arms, don‘t run away. So that it takes at least two policemen to drag us away. If they drag us, we remain still with our hands in a gesture of no action. If the charge against us is too heavy we look for another area to keep concentrated, but we do not separate from each other.

       If you are thrown smoke or tear gas: we all move away in block, do not run (just like in fire drills) to another area and we seat together on another area (you never leave the group) people in charge of ensuring the safety will collect the smoke canister and throw it away. Watch out as the bomb is hot (only for people with protecting glasses and mask), the canister should be picked up with gloves, a towel or shirt or given a kick to dump it in a sewer, before it fully disperses the smoke. 
Tear gas irritates the eyes, causes temporary blindness and temporarily difficult breathing, it is not lethal.

Defense against gas canisters>>> If you are exposed, blow your nose, rinse your mouth, cough and spit, try not to swallow; 
Take with you a solution of liquid anti-acid (like Maalox) and water in equal parts, ideally in a spray bottle. Clean your eyes starting from the inner corner of eye outwards gently, the head laying back and slightly to the side for flushing. 
If possible, when the victims agrees open their eyes, most will not be able to open them on their own, besides opening their eyes will increase the pain temporarily.

Defense against a High pressure  water Truck- >>
 against water pressure, we lay on the floor (in the fetal position ) is more difficult to move by pressure or lie on the floor like a dead body, place your head down and arms around the eyes, the elbow as a shield.
RECORD everything that happens. Record and photograph identifying the police to denounce police brutality, and everyone has to witness. 

If the riot police concealed their identification, we yell, "HE DOES NOT HAVE IDENTIFICATION" may not be a cop. 

International laws: the Geneva Convention and the Hague Court of justice, protect us. They can not beat a person who raises their hands as an act of surrender and if they hit someone with their hands up, that becomes police brutality. In such a case we collectively press charges and demand/claim for the resignation of those responsible (police authorities and politician).

 Article N. 21 of the Spanish Constitution.
 “1. Granted the right to assemble peacefully and unarmed. The exercise of this right shall not require prior authorization.
 2. In the case of meetings in public spaces and demonstrations, prior notification to the authority shall be given, they would only be forbidden when there are reasonable grounds to assume disturbance of public order, involving danger to persons or goods”

REMINDER: everyone that any police infiltrated or violent citizen shall be expelled from the event, because they don’t represent us. 

Real democracy now, 15M, Occupy, 99% currently are and will remain being peaceful demonstrators.

[Occupy/Inidgnados] [May'o'12] Boletín #12M15M - No 1

Buenas compas,
Os ofrecemos el primer número del Boletín de noticias dedicado a las actualizaciones de Asambleas de todo el mundo que están preparando acciones para el próximo mes de mayo de 2012.
Por favor, compartir y difundir, colgarlo en vuestros grupos de facebook, enviarlo a todas las listas de correo e invitar a otros a suscribirse a través de este enlace:

Nuestra próxima reunión internacional: Sábado 31a las 18:00 GMT en el servidor, cómo conectar?

Newsletter (castellano)- Agenda Internacional de noticias y eventos mayo 2012 – Edición No1

1) Calendario de las reuniones de Grupos de Trabajo y Asambleas #12M15M (Mumble)
Aquí  se puede consultar el calendario que el grupo internacional de Dinamización utiliza.  Se pueden ver las distintas reuniones, localización y horario de cada  una de ellas.

2) Twitter: plataforma de los hashtags de la #globalrevolution
Es una estupenda herramienta para la gente que utiliza twitter y están involucradas en la revolución global. Se trata de una web de código libre: debajo de las cajas de tweets puedes encontrar un link donde descargarte el código y hacer tu propio "yeswecamp" con, por ejemplo, todos los hashtags de los barrios de tu ciudad o las fechas de los eventos que quieres seguir.
3) Asamblea Estatal Española - 
El fin de semana pasado España se reunió para empezar a planificar el aniversario número uno de la #spanishrevolution

4) Grecia: Asamblea internacional Ágora Atenas - mañana, 27 de Marzo del 2012 tendrá lugar en mumble a las 19:00 UTC+1 una reunión preparatoria para organizar el Ágora de Atenas que se desarrollará del 5 al 15 de Mayo ¿Cómo quieres que se haga?

6) Inglaterra- Occupy London - Occupy May 
Occupy May tiene un enlace a un evento en facebook creado por la gente de Occupy LSX. En Londres ya están trabajando en los eventos de Mayo en las asambleas y grupos de trabajo.

7) Bélgica- Occupy Bruselas está también preparando el 12M, en este evento en facebook obtienes más información
También han hecho un llamamiento para las acciones del próximo Mayo y que podemos encontrar en el siguiente enlace 

8) Rusia prepara el 12M es la web donde Occupy Russia están preparando la primavera global también. Nosotrxs estamos orgullosxs de que ellxs también se unan a la celebración!!.

9) Holanda
Se ha creado un grupo de trabajo estatal en la red social N-1 que intentará coordinar las acciones de Mayo 2012 en Holanda, por favor participa y contribuye.

10) Canadá
Ocupy Quebec tiene los medios para concentrar las energías de la indignación: cuatro Asambleas Generales y 9 reuniones de coordinación hasta Mayo 12. Si quieres actuar, hay siete proyectos diferentes en los que te puedes involucrar, con un montón de opciones!

En el espíritu de un movimiento enraizado en comunidades locales, Montreal prepara ocupaciones temporales nómadas en los barrios y planifica la reocupación de espacios públicos.
Ocupemos juntos, ocupemoslo todo!

11) Brasil
Brasil también se une oficialmente a las movilizaciones globales de Mayo. Aquí puedes ver su evento facebook y su página oficial: Ellxs también han creado un grupo de N-1 para coordinarse

12) Dinamarca-Copenhague
Occupy Copenhagen ha decidido tomar acción el primero de Mayo, el 12 de Mayo y el 15 de Mayo. Una huelga del 12 de Mayo está siendo planeada.

13) Australia-Sydney
Sydney, va a decidir en la próxima asamblea general si participan en la manifestación Global del 12 de Mayo ¡Darle caña Syndey! 

14) Alemania-Frankfurt
Del 17 al 19 de Mayo, miles de activistas de multitud de luchas de toda Europa nos convocan para ocupar el distrito financiero de Frankfurt, bloqueando el Banco Central Europeo y realizando una macromanifestación contra el desmantelamiento de la democracia en Europa y la dictadura financiera del BCE, FMI y la Troika.
 15) Chile
"En todos los rincones de este país hoy en día la minoría abusa de la mayoría. Somos el 99,9% y sólo el 0,1% decide cuál es el interés que pagamos a los bancos a la ISAPRE, nuestras jubilaciones en las AFP, lo que comemos, lo que vemos en la televisión, si apoyamos a un equipo de fútbol incluso deciden quien juega para él. Ya es hora de decir BASTA, TENEMOS DIGNIDAD!"
16) EEUU-Occupy Festival (Chicago)
En Chicago, los dias 12 y 13 de Mayo, va a haber un festival con artistas internacionales, estadounidenses y locales. Este festival dará la mitad de la recaudación a Occupy Chicago, que oficialmente apoya el festival.

[Occupy/Inidgnados] [May'o'12] Boletín #12M15M - No 1

Buenas compas,
Os ofrecemos el primer número del Boletín de noticias dedicado a las actualizaciones de Asambleas de todo el mundo que están preparando acciones para el próximo mes de mayo de 2012.
Por favor, compartir y difundir, colgarlo en vuestros grupos de facebook, enviarlo a todas las listas de correo e invitar a otros a suscribirse a través de este enlace:

Nuestra próxima reunión internacional: Sábado 31a las 18:00 GMT en el servidor, cómo conectar?

Newsletter (castellano)- Agenda Internacional de noticias y eventos mayo 2012 – Edición No1

1) Calendario de las reuniones de Grupos de Trabajo y Asambleas #12M15M (Mumble)
Aquí  se puede consultar el calendario que el grupo internacional de Dinamización utiliza.  Se pueden ver las distintas reuniones, localización y horario de cada  una de ellas.

2) Twitter: plataforma de los hashtags de la #globalrevolution
Es una estupenda herramienta para la gente que utiliza twitter y están involucradas en la revolución global. Se trata de una web de código libre: debajo de las cajas de tweets puedes encontrar un link donde descargarte el código y hacer tu propio "yeswecamp" con, por ejemplo, todos los hashtags de los barrios de tu ciudad o las fechas de los eventos que quieres seguir.
3) Asamblea Estatal Española - 
El fin de semana pasado España se reunió para empezar a planificar el aniversario número uno de la #spanishrevolution

4) Grecia: Asamblea internacional Ágora Atenas - mañana, 27 de Marzo del 2012 tendrá lugar en mumble a las 19:00 UTC+1 una reunión preparatoria para organizar el Ágora de Atenas que se desarrollará del 5 al 15 de Mayo ¿Cómo quieres que se haga?

6) Inglaterra- Occupy London - Occupy May 
Occupy May tiene un enlace a un evento en facebook creado por la gente de Occupy LSX. En Londres ya están trabajando en los eventos de Mayo en las asambleas y grupos de trabajo.

7) Bélgica- Occupy Bruselas está también preparando el 12M, en este evento en facebook obtienes más información
También han hecho un llamamiento para las acciones del próximo Mayo y que podemos encontrar en el siguiente enlace 

8) Rusia prepara el 12M es la web donde Occupy Russia están preparando la primavera global también. Nosotrxs estamos orgullosxs de que ellxs también se unan a la celebración!!.

9) Holanda
Se ha creado un grupo de trabajo estatal en la red social N-1 que intentará coordinar las acciones de Mayo 2012 en Holanda, por favor participa y contribuye.

10) Canadá
Ocupy Quebec tiene los medios para concentrar las energías de la indignación: cuatro Asambleas Generales y 9 reuniones de coordinación hasta Mayo 12. Si quieres actuar, hay siete proyectos diferentes en los que te puedes involucrar, con un montón de opciones!

En el espíritu de un movimiento enraizado en comunidades locales, Montreal prepara ocupaciones temporales nómadas en los barrios y planifica la reocupación de espacios públicos.
Ocupemos juntos, ocupemoslo todo!

11) Brasil
Brasil también se une oficialmente a las movilizaciones globales de Mayo. Aquí puedes ver su evento facebook y su página oficial: Ellxs también han creado un grupo de N-1 para coordinarse

12) Dinamarca-Copenhague
Occupy Copenhagen ha decidido tomar acción el primero de Mayo, el 12 de Mayo y el 15 de Mayo. Una huelga del 12 de Mayo está siendo planeada.

13) Australia-Sydney
Sydney, va a decidir en la próxima asamblea general si participan en la manifestación Global del 12 de Mayo ¡Darle caña Syndey! 

14) Alemania-Frankfurt
Del 17 al 19 de Mayo, miles de activistas de multitud de luchas de toda Europa nos convocan para ocupar el distrito financiero de Frankfurt, bloqueando el Banco Central Europeo y realizando una macromanifestación contra el desmantelamiento de la democracia en Europa y la dictadura financiera del BCE, FMI y la Troika.
 15) Chile
"En todos los rincones de este país hoy en día la minoría abusa de la mayoría. Somos el 99,9% y sólo el 0,1% decide cuál es el interés que pagamos a los bancos a la ISAPRE, nuestras jubilaciones en las AFP, lo que comemos, lo que vemos en la televisión, si apoyamos a un equipo de fútbol incluso deciden quien juega para él. Ya es hora de decir BASTA, TENEMOS DIGNIDAD!"
16) EEUU-Occupy Festival (Chicago)
En Chicago, los dias 12 y 13 de Mayo, va a haber un festival con artistas internacionales, estadounidenses y locales. Este festival dará la mitad de la recaudación a Occupy Chicago, que oficialmente apoya el festival.